Ag Experience Insider: State Fair Time!

We were faired out, so we spent a few days at the Iowa State Fair! If you haven’t experienced the Iowa State Fair, add it to your summer bucket list for next year. There are so many amazing 4H and FFA livestock shows, equestrian, open shows, contests, rides, and my favorite—food!

Next Year begins Now!

The kids are wrapping up their last few summer moments before school starts in full force. Before we know it, the older two girls will be selecting their steers for next year and running around to all sorts of activities to start the cycle over again. Raising kids sure does make the time go fast!

Dog Days without their bite

However, it hasn’t felt like typical school-starting weather for NE Iowa. We have had cool nights and enjoyable daytime highs. It feels more like fall than the dog days of summer misery. I have no complaints here! We’re enjoying being outside at every opportunity without extreme humidity, even having some windows open, and the crops are keeping their color.

August is typically a “grain-maker” month if the soybeans get a couple of shots of rain to fill out their pods. We had a nice shower a week or so ago, but I don’t think anyone would mind a little more here and there. We’ve been in a fortunate spot this growing season with more moisture than we’ve experienced the last several, but it isn’t lost on us that not every producer is getting the rains or cooler temps their crops need to get them to harvest.

If you’d like to connect on social, you can find me and some behind the scenes of farm life on Instagram