Cherry Rock Farm – Local Foods Week


Tomato's plants at Cherry Rock Farm

Today we are going to Cherry Rock Farm, this oasis is located outside of Brandon, SD. At Cherry Rock Farm they grow it all from big to small. Marco and Laura are proud to be the 4th generation to tend to this land. Their summers are spent tending to their crops and harvesting the freshest produce every day for their on-site market. 

One of the green houses at Cherry RockThe Farm 

Nestled between Split Rock Creek and The Big Sioux River, the rich soil of Cherry Rock Farms cultivates naturally grown produce. Practicing organic farming methods, using non GMO seeds, to bring you the highest quality produce. Their greenhouses allow them to extend the growing season. 



The Market The market at Cherry Rock

The onsite market at Cherry Rock Farms is stocked with that morning’s harvest. You can also find other locally grown and made products from honey to grass fed beef. 


Fall Festivities The Pumpkin Patch at Cherry Rock

Cherry Rock Farms is also home to a pumpkin patch and corn maze. During the fall months you can pick your own pumpkin, wind your way through the corn maze, and go for a hayride. 

The Chicks!The Chickens at Cherry Rock

New to the Farm are 150 chickens. In the future they are going to provide eggs for the farm to sell. These Chickens are pasture raised and live in their mobile coop. They are rotated around the farm to fresh grass and eat all the same vegetables you can get in the store.