Ag Experience Insider: The Craziest and Best Time of Year

As the summer is heating up, so is the Wirt family’s schedule. With more livestock shows to compete at and school starting in a few short weeks, Jovie Wirt and her sister Emerson have much to prepare for and look forward to. Continue reading to learn about the Wirt’s trip to the South Dakota Spotlight Show and the various shows within stock show. 

Big Show Season

We are finally entering our big “show season”. The end of July through the beginning of September is packed full of statewide shows, county fairs, and then the South Dakota State Fair. When you add in school sports practices and the first few weeks of the new school year, the next month gets a little crazy!

We spent 5 days in Huron, SD this past week at the South Dakota Spotlight Livestock Show. This is a huge show for youth that show cattle, swine, lambs, and goats. It is basically a precursor to the South Dakota State Fair. Lots of competition and fun with friends, but without the crowds and plenty of camping space. If you refer back to one of our previous Ag Insider posts, you know that we had to pack A LOT of bedding, fitting, and feeding items for the three different species that my sister, Emerson and I showed. We had to prepare a camper full of clothes, food, drinks, and snacks to keep us going during busy days in really warm weather.

Livestock Shows Explained

Livestock shows consist of two different types of contests, the livestock show and then showmanship. The show portion is when the judge looks at the animal’s conformation, structure, and muscle and places them based on their preferences. Showmanship is where the exhibitor is judged on their ability to show their animal in the best way. Emerson and I participated in both types of competitions and did really well in the areas they are most involved in!

Ups and Downs of Stock Show

One of the hardest parts of showing livestock is learning that how you place is based on “one judges opinion on one day.” We often tell friends that showing livestock is the summer sport our kids participate in rather than softball or baseball. What is different is that our sport is won or lost depending upon how the judge likes your animal on that specific day. It isn’t decided by points, hits or homeruns. Exhibitors see this when they place last in their class one day and then win their class one week later with another judge…it can be a rollercoaster of emotions! Luckily, me and my sister’s favorite part of the summer is helping other youth learn how to show livestock. We have been helping younger 4-H members, as well as classmates, learn how to show lambs and are so excited to cheer them on during shows over the next month. It definitely makes the busy schedule worth it!

We are so excited for the Turner County Fair (The 4 Best Days of Summer!) that will be held August 12-15, 2024 in Parker, SD! Jovie and Emerson will start school and then head to the South Dakota State Fair August 28-September 2, 2024. August is a crazy busy month and we can’t wait!!!