Ag Experience Insider: Not Always Glamorous

When agriculture is highlighted on social media, many people make the industry appear happy and worriless with pictures of newborn calves and kids helping mom and dad on the farm. Although this is true for some days, other days can be long and full of struggle. Continue reading, to learn about a challenging experience the Rollinger Ranch has recently experienced and how they worked through it as a family.

Agriculture & Social Media

I had someone tell me one time, “I had to unfollow your Instagram account because your pictures and life just made me feel extremely jealous.” I honestly didn’t know how to respond. That’s clearly not the reason I post about life on the Rollinger Ranch. I post to inform people about what we do and how we do it. I use “we” very loosely – because when I say we, I mostly mean Ross. However, the “we” comes in when he really needs my help.
For instance, if he buys a bulk bin and he needs me to help place it. He knows full well I’ll help when needed, but I’m not likely his best option when push comes to shove. In this case, he needed my opinion on where the bulk bin should go and he needed my help to physically move it.

What the Ranch Needs

But let’s back up. We don’t run a big operation where Ross makes huge financial decisions without talking to me about his desires first. And I’m not quick to say no because he has proven time and again that if he’s bringing up something he needs to purchase, he likely really needs it.
So, the bulk bin was purchased and then fixed/reinforced by Sunderman Manufacturing. Ross brought it home on a trailer and it was lifted off by a neighbor’s tractor and set in our yard.  We then had to change out the old lumber at the bottom, decide where it was to go, and then get in there. Seems easy, right?

Coming to an Agreement

The “new to us” bulk bin needed to be set in a place with easy access. The entire point of it is to hold corn for the animals. Ross mentioned that it would be nice to have it in the front of the barn. I was hesitant because that’s a very visible location. But the longer it sat in our yard and I was able to admire the look of it, I got on board with having it there.
Once we agreed, the area needed to be leveled and landscaped. These small tasks are never actually small tasks. What should take an hour, takes two. What should cost $500, costs $1,000. I always double the time and price on every “project” we do. I’m no dummy.

Family Effort Farm Projects

Getting the lumber changed out was a family affair. Ross lifted the bulk bin with the skid loader, while we switched out lumber. We leveled ground, moved rock, and eventually got to the point where we were ready to move it to its new location.
But how? We only have a skid loader. As a family, we put our heads together. We troubleshooted multiple ideas and failed. We were crabby and frankly, the kids had totally given up. Ross had one last ditch effort to use chains. I promptly told him that his idea wouldn’t work (he didn’t appreciate that feedback) and walked away to water my flowers. I figured we’d come back to it another day. But Ross was persistent.
At this point, we were giving each other the silent treatment and went our own ways for a while. No joke, a half hour later, I hear him fire up the skid loader. I turn around, and to my amazement, he’s slowly moving the bulk bin to its new home. I couldn’t believe it. I ran over to take a video and pictures and was reminded that, if and when I post this endeavor on social media, I need to be honest. Although it looks like a lovely little family project, it wasn’t easy, it wasn’t very cute, and it wasn’t even very fun. But, it’s done. We worked as a team, and learned to trust Ross’ ideas.